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17. C. Best, T. C. Durhak, A. J. Chapelsky, M. Aminot, S. S. Islam, D. D. Heath, N. J. Mochnacz and K. M. Jeffries, 2024. Transcriptional profiling provides insights on sublethal thermal stress thresholds in juvenile bull trout. (


16. S. S. Islam, D. D. Heath, B. Dixon, P. Karpowicz, Kelvin Vuu, J. Lablanc, N. J. Bernier, and K. M. Jeffries, 2024. Development of multi-species qPCR assays for designing a stress transcriptional profiling (STP) chip for assessing the resilience of salmonids to changing environments. (Submitted- Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences)



15. G. Banousse, S. Christina, G. Dany, J. Jennifer, S. S. Islam, B. Nicholas, J. Kenneth and A. Céline, 2024. Genetic and environmental basis of transcriptional thermal plasticity of Brook Charr fry. (Submitted- Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences)


14. V. A. Felicia, K. W. Wellband, S. S. Islam, O. P. Love and D. D. Heath, 2024. Great Lakes invasive round goby gene transcription profiles: Adaptive acclimation to thermal stress in range-edge populations. (Submitted- Scientific Reports)

13. S. S. Islam, M. C. Yates, and D. J. Fraser. Single generation exposure to a captive diet: a primer for domestication selection in a Salmonid fish? (bioRxiv: doi:

12. E. H. Ignatz, X. Xue, J. R. Hall, S. S. Islam, M. L. Rise and I. A. Fleming, 2024. Defense-relevant gene expression differences in hatchling Atlantic salmon among wild Newfoundland and farmed European and North American populations and their hybrids. (Accepted- Molecular Ecology)


11. I. C. San Roman, I. R. Bradbury, S. E. Crowley, S. J. Duffy, S. S. Islam, and I. A. Fleming 2023. Experimental comparisons of changes in relative survival and fitness-related traits of wild, farm and hybrid Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar in nature. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 15: 323-337

10. S. E. Crowley, I. R. Bradbury, A. M. Messmer, S. J. Duffy, C. C. Parrish, S. S. Islam, and I. A. Fleming, 2023. Differences in energy acquisition and storage of farm, wild and hybrid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) competing in the wild. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, 80: 43-56

9. S. S. Islam, B. F. Wringe, C. M. Conway, I. R. Bradbury and I. A. Fleming 2022. Fitness consequences of hybridization between wild Newfoundland and farmed European and North American Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 14: 243-262

8. B. M. Perriman, P. Bentzen, B. F. Wringe, S. Duffy, S. S. Islam, I. A. Fleming, M. F. Solberg and I. R. Bradbury, 2022. Morphological consequences of hybridization between farm and wild Atlantic salmon, under both wild and experimental conditions. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 14: 85-96

7. S. S. Islam, X. Xue, A. Caballero-Solares, I. R. Bradbury, M. L. Rise and I. A. Fleming 2022. Distinct early-life stage gene expression effects of hybridization among European and North American farmed and wild Atlantic salmon populations. Molecular Ecology, 31 (9): 2712-2729

6. S. E. Crowley, I. R. Bradbury, A. M. Messmer, S. J. Duffy, S. S. Islam, and I. A. Fleming, 2022. Common-garden comparison of relative survival and fitness-related traits of wild, farmed, and hybrid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr in nature. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 14: 35-52

5. S. S. Islam, B. F. Wringe, K. Boe, I. R. Bradbury and I. A. Fleming 2021. Early-life fitness trait variation among divergent European and North American farmed and wild Atlantic salmon populations. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 13: 323-337

4. S. S. Islam, B. F. Wringe, I. R. Bradbury and I. A. Fleming 2020. Behavioural variation among divergent European and North American farmed and wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 230: 105029

3. S.M.B. Rahaman, S.K. Biswas, M.S. Rahaman, A.K. Ghosh, L. Sarder, S.M.S. Siraj and S. S. Islam, 2014. Seasonal nutrient distribution in the Rupsha-Passur tidal river system of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest, Bangladesh. Ecological Processes, 3 (18): 1-11. 

2. S. S. Islam, M. S. Shah and M. L. Rahi, 2014. Assessment of genetic variability of Prawn (Macrobrachiumrosenbergii) post larvae (PL) from the broods stocked under different sex ratios. Int. Journal of Aquaculture, 4(9): 55-63. 

1. S. S. Islam, M. S. Shah and M. L. Rahi, 2011. Study of Fecundity and Induced Breeding of Mystus vittatus. Bangladesh Journal of Zoology, 39(2): 205-212. 

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